Rules for biomethane injection introduced by Flemish technical regulations for gas distribution

In Belgium, a recent amendment to the Technical Regulations Distribution Gas and Electricity by VREG, the Flemish Energy Market Regulator, introduced rules for the injection of biomethane into the gas grids. Although no injection points currently exist in Flanders, the Regulation allows for the possibility to inject biomethane into middle pressure grids of categories B and C. The operator of the coupled grid can demand that the biomethane fulfill certain conditions, particularly regarding the composition of the gas.

The amended Technical Regulations also introduced prescriptions for operators of closed distribution grids, rules for the management of congestions in the electricity grids, and the formalization of “flexible connections”, where the producer would agree not to inject electricity if, at anytime, the grid were to be saturated.

The Flemish Orders approving these Regulations were recently published in the Official Journal.

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