Developing the algal bioeconomy – EnAlgae launches documentary

The EnAlgae documentary has been launched on the project’s YouTube account following its official unveiling at an event last month. Panning for Green Gold: developing the algal bioeconomy tells the story of the work which has been undertaken on the project over the past four years. It also gives an insight into the context in which the work was undertaken and offers a vision of where the research and the algal industry might now journey in the future. The documentary presents the project within its historical setting, outlining the political framework and technological capabilities which have operated across our partnership during the lifetime of the project.

The EnAlgae project was led by Swansea University and funded by the European Union under the INTERREG IVB North West Europe programme. EnAlgae united experts and observers from 7 EU member states to determine the potential benefits of algae as a future sustainable energy source.

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