Germany will help Ukraine to develop biofuels in 2013

At joint council held recently, Jurgen Keinhorst representative of the German Federal Ministry of Environment announced a collaboration with Ukraine to start the production of biofuels in 2013, pilot projects may involve German investment.

At the meeting Ukrainian scientists presented 30 draft projects for pilot biofuel complexes, which would produce thermal power and biogas out of the agricultural waste using German technology and equipment.  Moreover, Ukraine’s plans for advancing its biofuel production include the establishment of a pilot bio-energy village. Presently, Ukraine has six functioning biogas units, and two more will start producing biogas from poultry waste by 2013. The volume of produced biogas is estimated to reach 30-35 million cubic meters. Furthermore, Ukrainian agroholding Avangard aims to sell biogas to the EU.

In addition to the biogas sector in October 2012, Ukraine launched its first pilot plant producing pellet from agricultural residues, located in Turbiv, and plans to construct a total of 10 such plants. Pellets will be produced from straw purchased from local farmers.

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