Leaders of Sustainable Biofuels welcome Commission proposal on advanced biofuels to decarbonise the transport sector

30 November 2016, Brussels: Leaders of Sustainable Biofuels (LSB) welcome the European Commission review of the Renewable Energy Directive, which sets the legislative framework for the implementation of the EU 2030 Climate and Energy policy objectives. We believe that by recognizing the role of advanced biofuels as a fast track option for the EU transport sector, the European Commission has made a significant step to enhance the EU innovation capacity and stimulate green growth.

LSB particularly welcomes the establishment of a binding target for advanced biofuels, indispensable for creating a stable and predictable business environment and trigger new substantial investments in advanced biofuels production capacity. In this context, the Commission proposal sets the right direction and framework for advanced biofuels in Europe. Sustainable advanced biofuels bring multiple benefits as one key option to decarbonise the transport sector in terms of CO2 reductions, investments, jobs. Leaders of Sustainable Biofuels call upon the European Parliament and the Council of the EU to endorse the Commission proposal and look forward to contribute to the work of the European institutions during the legislative process.


Text by Leaders of Sustainable Biofuels

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