New publication outlines myths and facts about bioenergy in Africa

PANGEA (Partners for Euro African Green Energy) launched today a booklet outlining Myths and Facts about Bioenergy in Africa.

The publication presents real facts about bioenergy in sub-Saharan Africa while demystifying the wrong assumptions that are often claimed against this sector.

According to PANGEA’s publication only 0,05% of global biofuels are produced on the continent while just 2% of European imports of denatured ethanol from 2009 to 2011 came from sub-Saharan Africa, thus demonstrating the inconsistency of accusations against the whole biofuels sector for food insecurity and land grabbing in these countries.

“The facts laid out in this new brochure are aimed at showing the truth about bioenergy in Africa, rather than the lies and manipulated data promoted by anti-biofuels groups in an attempt to destroy biofuels in Europe, Africa and around the world,” said PANGEA’s Secretary General Meghan Sapp at the launch of the brochure.

“African communities have the opportunity to at last develop sustainably through the use of bioenergy that when done well can increase food security, improve rural incomes, reduce deforestation, create new jobs and so much more. But constantly bashing bioenergy rather than making sure it is produced sustainably just introduces doubt and fear into would-be investors and project developers. It is absolutely irresponsible of organisations who claim to promote economic development yet try to smear one of the few real opportunities to achieve the kind of results needed by these communities.”

The document also highlights how women can benefit from sustainable biofuels, both in rural and in urban areas and how land grabbing is not a result of demand for biofuels but is actually due to weak land tenure systems in African countries along with topics related to water use, and biodiversity.

Find the booklet here

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